Saturday, 21 November 2015

PaperArtsy Topic 21: Abstract Art. Bubbles

I thought abstract art was mainly a mess on canvas or a sculpture which doesn’t look like anything! But after reading about different types of abstract art on the paperartsy challenge I realised there was much more to it than a ‘mess’! It's all about layering colour and textures and drawing the eye into the piece of art.
I thought I can't do this I'm medically trained not art and design trained! But after mulling it over I said to myself it's like doing a background, which doesn't sound half as scary as ‘abstract art’.

The main posts that Inspired me were Jo-Myhill and Seth Apter.

To begin with I brushed watered down white paint over Kraft card, leaving areas of card showing.
Using scrap sequin material I applied grunge paste with a spatula.

Once dry I painted a wash of colour sanding back the grunge paste in some areas each time so it was different colours in various areas of the design.
I love circle/spots and wanted to reflect the grunge paste so I used a ‘smoothy’ to apply the paint in circles, using the paints listed below.
I wanted the eye to follow the circles so I made them smaller as they went up the canvas.
To finish I added stamped circles and doodled circles in white pen.
I hope I have interpreted correctly  the art of making ‘abstract art’.

Materials used;
Paperartsy grunge paste, Fresco Paint-Beach Hut
Indigoblu paint-Pantry White. Bubbles background stamp.
Pebeo Dyna-357,358,359,360
Creative Expressions-smoothies.

From my stash;
Kraft card.
Sequin waste.
White pen.

Challenge entered;

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